project fund

project fund

Starting in 2024, GAPS provides up to € 2000 each year to support academic events in the field of postcolonial studies (anglophone literary studies, cultural studies, linguistics, and/or didactics). The funding is available for workshops, conferences, summer schools, teaching days, and comparable events.

All non-tenured GAPS members can apply. The project fund can be split among several applicants. The application deadline is October 31 of each year. The GAPS board will inform applicants of its decision within a month.

In order to apply, please send a short description of your event (1 page max.), a tentative program, and a budget outline that indicates and explains the amount you are applying for to the GAPS president ( You can apply for funding of any event that takes place in the current or the following year.

Successful applicants will receive the funding shortly after the decision. They will need to submit full documentation of expenses after the event.

Feel free to contact the GAPS president or other board members if you have any questions.