become a member

become a member

GAPS creates numerous opportunities for dialogues surrounding Anglophone Postcolonial Studies. Membership benefits include:

  • networking opportunities linking students, early career and established scholars as well as teachers interested in Postcolonial Studies
  • subscription to the GAPS mailing list with information about recent GAPS activities, calls for papers, job opportunities, publications, and other developments in the field
  • discounted registration fees for the annual conference
  • students and precariously employed GAPS members can apply for travel bursaries to attend the annual conference
  • advisors of undergraduate, master’s theses and state examination theses as well as PhD advisors who are GAPS members are entitled to nominate candidates for the GAPS Graduate and Dissertation Awards
  • eligibility to serve on GAPS committees and participate in board and other elections

How to join

Please fill in our membership application form, sign it, and send it to the GAPS president.

Annual fees

ReducedFor members with a monthly net income below 1,500€25€
Regular IFor members with a monthly net income below 3,000€50€
Regular IIFor members with a monthly net income above 3,000€75€
SustainingEach voluntary sustaining member sponsors a non-fee-paying member from the “Reduced” category100€